Village Builder Volunteers work in teams that run the Village. Each team's responsibilities are explained below:
- Concierge Team: Manage member service requests and schedule volunteers
- Website Team: Maintain the website, keeping it current and interesting
- Website Data Team: Enter and maintain member information
- Program & Events Team: Plan and oversee presentations, schedule restaurant visits, outings, and Village events and celebrations
- Marketing & Communication Team: Inform the community about the Village through our newsletter and articles in local news media
- Business Management Team: Oversee budgeting, bookkeeping, accounting services, state filings, insurance, and administrative requirements
- Member Care Team: Onboard new members, address the well-being of members by creating opportunities for Villagers to interact through interest groups, small gatherings, and programs that engage members
- Volunteer Care Team: Onboard new volunteers and ensure the Village provides them with gratifying volunteering experiences and recognizes them for their service